I want Ranbir to fall in love: Priyanka
PC and RK are leaving no stone unturned before their film Anjaana Anjaani hits the big screen next week. Guest appearances, tacky tie-ups -- two of the most in-demand stars are going the whole hog. We size up the handsome duo:
Do either of you know which film this famous line is from: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"?
Ranbir: No... but it's a very nice line.
Priyanka: I don't either.
It is from the 1951 classic, A Streetcar Named Desire.
Ranbir: Ohhhhh yes, the Marlon Brando one!
OK, a question about strangers that's closer home. Can you tell me which two stars featured in the 1976 film, Do Anjaane?
Priyanka: Aawwww ¦. ????
Ranbir: I know Amitabh Bachchan is the hero; was my mother the heroine?
No, it was Rekha. Coming back to the point ¦ have you ever been dependent on the kindness of a stranger?
Ranbir: When I was in New York, I was new to the place; I had to depend on strangers even if I had to reach some place.
Priyanka: I remember when I was travelling for my studies to Boston, USA, for the first time, I was all by myself and I had these huge bags. A lady came up to me and helped me with those bags all the way to the check-in counter. It taught me a lot about compassion.
What is the weirdest conversation you've struck up with a stranger?
Ranbir:It happened in San Francisco, while I was shooting for Anjaana Anjaani. I was walking in the night at around 2 am, and it was really cold. A beggar started singing a song about his life -- how once he had everything going for him; a good career, a good life, but how whiskey spoilt everything.
I was so impressed with his openness, I gave him money. He said that he didn't want my money, although he needed it. He gave me a string that was attached to his guitar -- I still have it on my right leg, I haven't taken it off.
Priyanka: I'm not the kind of person who will make the first move with a stranger. I always like the other person to break the ice.
Okay, once the two of you were no longer strangers, did you get to know something about the other that was a shocker?
Ranbir: She's more of a daredevil than I am -- she can pick up a snake or jump off a bridge.
Priyanka: I found that at times Ranbir can be very thoughtful ¦ but only at times (laughs).
Ranbir: She takes far too much time to get ready. I have become friends with her so I can take the liberty of hurrying her up with: 'How much time do you take!' She is always sweet and says, 'I'm sorry'.
Priyanka: Ranbir fights with me about my unpunctuality but forgets that I'm a girl -- he expects me to miraculously change my clothes and be ready for the shot or for a party. He fights with me. I don't. Actually, we keep fighting about everything and anything all the time. We are also constantly hitting each other.
Ranbir, how do you stop PC from going on Twitter?
Ranbir: You can't. She began the craze at a time when many of us weren't even aware of it. She loves to interact with her fans.
Priyanka, make a choice -- Steve Carell doing a pole dance or Ranbir Kapoor?
Priyanka: I actually haven't seen Steve Carell dancing, but it would be a treat to watch Ranbir doing a pole dance; you will see it in this film.
Name one stunt that you would want the other to do.
Ranbir: She really loves Shah Rukh (Khan)a lot; I want her to get into a fist fight with Shah Rukh.
Priyanka: I want him to fall in love; that has not happened to him yet.
One achievement you want to your credit before you turn 30?
Ranbir: I want to become the greatest actor, the biggest star. Age has got nothing to do with it. I want to direct movies, produce movies. I want to start a family, have children. I want to start coaching a young football team, buy a home in New York. Give all the happiness to my parents.
Priyanka: I want to sing! I want to sing!
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